Pin Clock: A Minimalist Time Projector

AliReza Asadi Transforms a Simple Screw into a Unique Clock Design

AliReza Asadi's Pin Clock, a minimalist time projector, redefines the concept of timekeeping by emphasizing an often overlooked component - the screw. This award-winning design combines simplicity, beauty, and innovation, offering a fresh perspective on clock design.

The Pin Clock, inspired by the ubiquitous pin or screw used in installing clocks, is a testament to Asadi's design philosophy of focusing on the most inconsiderable parts of a design. It stands out for its unique properties, including its simple yet beautiful form and its innovative way of displaying time. The clock operates with three projectors attached to separate motors, displaying time vertically regardless of the clock's position. An in-built accelerometer ensures the time is displayed correctly. Despite its technological complexity, the Pin Clock maintains the dimensions of a regular pen.

Asadi's design realization technology further enhances the Pin Clock's uniqueness. The body of the clock is made of plastic, while the screw is made of steel. The clock features three miniature projectors, each for a separate slider. The light emitted from the projectors is automatically focused by a lens, ensuring the numbers are sharp and non-blurry. A gyroscope ensures the numbers are always shown upward, adding to the clock's user-friendly design.

The Pin Clock's design specifications further underscore its minimalist appeal. With a diameter of 10 mm to 15 mm and a height of 98 mm with glue (90 mm without), the clock's dimensions remain unchanged even when the screw is into the wall. This compact design, combined with its innovative features, makes the Pin Clock a standout in the realm of clock design.

Asadi's design process for the Pin Clock began with a simple game in a creativity class. The subject, selected by chance, was a clock. This led to extensive research on analogue and digital clock mechanisms, display methods, monitors, and moving rotors. The result was a unique blend of digital and analogue clocks, perfectly suited for the post-modern era.

The Pin Clock's design was not without challenges. Asadi had to create a unique and creative form for a wall clock, a task that required observing numerous current market clock designs. The final form needed to be beautiful, simple, and reminiscent of both digital and analogue clocks. Despite these challenges, Asadi's Pin Clock emerged as a unique and innovative design, earning the Silver A' Digital and Electronic Device Design Award in 2016.

In conclusion, AliReza Asadi's Pin Clock is a testament to the power of simplicity and innovation in design. By transforming a simple screw into a unique time projector, Asadi has redefined the concept of timekeeping and created a design that is as functional as it is aesthetically pleasing. The Pin Clock is a shining example of how even the most inconsiderable parts of a design can become its most defining features.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Alireza Asadi
Image Credits: Image 1 to 5: Creator Alireza Asadi, Edited by Mojtaba Rahimy, 2015. Video: Creator Alireza Asadi, March 2016
Project Team Members: AliReza Asadi
Project Name: Pin
Project Client: Alireza Asadi

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